Products and Tchnology 製品紹介

Vibro Explorer 振動混練造粒機

バイブロエクスプローラとは? What is the Vibro Explorer?


The Vibro Explorer mixes the dust from the exhaust dust collector and the wet waste sludge from the water treatment and granulates them to be used for recycling. It is also designed to insolubilize harmful heavy metals in order to dispose of them safely.

構造、動作 The structure


The structure generates a strong circular motion via two vibrating motors (rotating weights), joined by a synchronized timing-belt, which are installed on both sides of the machine drum.The suspension prevents the vibration from traveling to places such as floors or beams by using air suspension (for smaller type coiled springs).

主な特徴 Major Features

  • ・強力な振動の利用により、処理物の造粒水分が低くなる、造粒後の相互付着が少なくなる、造粒物の強度が大きい。また、疎水性粉体の加湿が可能
  • ・処理物を圧縮混練することによって減容可能(最終処分する廃棄物が大幅に減少)
  • ・必要なキレート剤や添加水量が少なく、また、消費電力が少ないため運転コストが低減
  • ・混練機に造粒プレートが併設されているので、1台で混練と造粒が可能(特公平6-188号)
  • ・処理能力が高く、大量の処理が可能
  • ・振動発生装置が本体に組込まれており、振動機とモータとの接続部品が無く故障の心配がない
  • ・装置が大変コンパクトであり、設置スペースが小さい
  • ・連続自動運転が可能、また、運転停止時に残留物の自己排出が可能、セルフクリーニング作用があり運転・保守が容易
  • ・シャワーノズル不要のため添加水に汚水、汚泥、またはスラリーの使用が可能
  • ・システムの密閉化が可能で、集塵風量が少ない
  • ・Because of the strong vibration of the Vibro Explorer, the waste from the Vibro Explorer doesn’t contain much moisture.
    Therefore the granules don’t stick together, so they are able to become harder. This system can also humidify hydrophobic powder.
  • ・The Vibro Explorer can reduce the bulk of the waste by compressing and mixing the processed product.
    The amount of the final disposal waste is significantly reduced.
  • ・Only a small amount of Chelate and additive liquid are required and it runs on less electricity hence its operating cost is low.
  • ・The Vibro Explorer is capable of mixing and granulating materials due to the granulating plate placed next to the mixer. (Japanese Examined Utility Model Registration Application Publication No. Hei 6-188)
  • ・The Vibro Explorer can treat a vast amount of matter. 
  • ・Delivery record: Variety of machines—100kg/hour (Chelate treatment) to 40t/hour (humidifying/Overseas).
    The type of machine will be chosen depending on the quantity and type of matter. 
  • ・Motors are on the main body of the machine therefore there are no connecting parts. So the chance of malfunction is minimal.
  • ・The machine is very compact. It does not take up much space.
  • ・Sewage, mud, and slurry can be used as an additive liquid. The whole system can be sealed meaning less wind energy is needed to collect the dust.

用途 Usage

採用先 Equipped sites 用途 Usage
ごみ焼却施設 Garbage disposal facilities
用途 Usage
ばいじんの重金属処理 Disposing of (Treatment) dust heavy metal
飛灰の加湿・キレート処理・セメント固化 Humidifying fly ash / Chelating treatment / Cement solidification
焼却灰などの処理 Disposing of incinerated ash 焼却灰・不燃物のセメント固化 Solidification of incinerated ash and non-combustible garbage
製鉄所 Iron works
用途 Usage
焼結原料の造粒、石炭粉の加湿、CDQ設備(コークス炉石炭乾燥集塵灰の加湿) Granulating sintered material / Humidifying coal powder Coke Dry Quenching System (Humidifying ash)
火力発電所 Thermal power plants
用途 Usage
石炭灰(フライアッシュ)の加湿・肥料化 Humidifying fly ash / Turning fly ash into fertilizer
下水処理場 Sewage treatment plants
用途 Usage
汚泥の造粒・セメント固化、焼却汚泥の造粒 Granulating sludge, Cement solidification, granulating incinerated sludge
その他 Others
用途 Usage
Mixing and drying of raw material and intermediate products at chemical plants. Purification of contaminated soil Cement solidification of radioactive contaminated botanical waste’s ash
  • 飛灰のキレート処理 Fly ash chelate treatment flow

  • 飛灰のセメント固化 Fly ash cement solidification flow

  • 不燃物のセメント固化 Unburnable material cement solidification flow

  • 灰の無害化システム(海外) Ash detoxification system(overseas)

Achievements 実績紹介


Due to their compact size, their limited number of problems (because of a small number of parts), and their ability to use strong vibration to steadily dispose of ash and fly ash, about 500 Vibro Explorers have been introduced.


More than 230 Vibro Explorers were installed at garbage disposal plants. The amount of the incinerator capacity is more than 30,000t (domestic) and 20,000t (overseas).


Various industrial machines 各種機械装置

  • 横型真空振動乾燥機 Vacuum vibration dryer

  • マイクロ波植物有効成分抽出装置 Microwave component extractor

  • フレコン解砕機 Flexible container bag Crusher

  • マイクロ波乾燥設備 Microwave dryer

  • 振動垂直輸送機 Vibration vertical transporter